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We take special pride in our Bar and Bat Mitzvah students. Each one is able to lead the congregation in prayer, read from the Torah and recite a Haftarah with confidence and an impressive level of expertise. A big part of their accomplishment may be traced directly to a Religious School that is second to none in our area, but we also know that the support our parents give their children is key to their child's success on the big day.

For six months prior to the Bar/t Mitzvah, our tutors work with the kids one-on-one, once-a-week, making sure that they are secure in their knowledge. Each child is different and so our expectation of each child is tailored to his or her abilities. We want each child to have their own time on the bimah so we rarely double up. Shabbat morning and afternoon dates, as well as Sunday Rosh Hodesh dates, are available to all children who have completed our Religious School program or an equivalent program.

Since our synagogue is egalitarian, the Bat Mitzvah preparation is almost the same as the Bar Mitzvah preparation. The girls are not expected to wear tallit or tefillin, but may choose to do so and we'll be encouraged to do so if they are so inclined.

Preparing for Bar/Bat Mitzvah or just want to know how we do B'nei Mitzvah at Midway?

Click here for the official Bar/Bat Mitzvah Guide

For current students...

Click here to listen to the Shabbat Morning B'nai Mitzvah Playlist

Click here to listen to the Shabbat Mincha/Ma'ariv/Havdalah B'nai Mitzvah Playlist

Click here to listen to the Rosh Chodesh B'nai Mitzvah Playlist

Ready to track your progress?  Use the appropriate lesson plan:

Shabbat Morning Checklist

Shabbat Mincha/Ma'ariv/Havdalah Checklist

B'nai Mitzvah Homework Tracker

For more information, take a look at the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Guide which goes into far greater detail about this special day in your and your child's life. We look forward to celebrating with you.  

B'nai Mitzvah Coordinator Ally Tash at

Mazal Tov!

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785