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and all our terrific answers!

Bar and Bat Mitzvah

What is the appropriate attire to wear to a Bar/Bat Mitzvah? Please dress modestly and a notch or two above casual. We ask that all men wear a kippah or yarmulkeh, and we ask that all Jewish men wear a tallit or prayer shawl. We encourage women to wear tallit as well. We offer women head coverings during services, though it is optional. All women who ascend the bimah must wear a head covering.

What time do the Shabbat afternoon / Havdalah B'nei Mitzvah services begin?

These services begin approximately 15 minutes prior to the candle lighting of that Shabbat.

The Community

Are you a super religious community?

We are a community that is welcoming to all Jewish people, and their families, no matter where they are in their Jewish journey in life. Our community and clergy pass no judgment on others but want all who join to feel comfortable in a loving and safe Jewish environment.

Interfaith Families

Is an interfaith family welcomed in Midway Jewish Center?

Interfaith families are absolutely welcomed to Midway. We have interfaith families who belong as they have found a spiritual home at Midway.  We know that some interfaith families approach Conservative synagogues with a bit of trepitation, unsure whether their participation will be encouraged.

Please give us a chance to show you that no matter the makeup of your family or where you are on your Jewish journey, we are eager to welcome you and help you to celebrate and deepen your families' connection to Judaism and the Jewish people.

What will my child learn in your Religious School?

Our curriculum is designed to expose children to the Bible, prayers, customs and ceremonies, and raise their Hebrew proficiency level so that they can both read and understand rudimentary Hebrew.

Do we have to be congregants for our children to attend Religious school?

If your child is in kindergarten or first grade you do not have to be a member of Midway. Once your child reaches second grade you must sign membership forms and join Midway Jewish Center.

Kiddush (Kiddush will be semi-monthly until further notice)

We are having a Kiddush on Shabbat morning. Why must everything be brought into the synagogue on Friday?

Shabbat begins on Friday at sundown and ends Saturday with the appearance of three stars in the sky. We do not carry anything into or out of the synagogue during Shabbat. You may pick up any items that you leave behind at the conclusion of Shabbat.

If we decide to have a Kiddush at Midway why must we use only caterers listed on the catering panel? All the caterers on our panel have been thoroughly checked for their kashrut. We may only bring kosher food into the synagogue and Midway keeps a strict tab on which caterers receive approval.

Religious Services

What time are your services?
Sunday through Thursday evening minyan: 8:00 PM in the Main Sanctuary
Friday evenings: 6:00 PM in the Main Sanctuary
Saturday evening: 10 minutes after candle lighting when there is no Bar/t Mitzvah 
Sundays & Holidays minyan: 9:00 AM in the Main Sanctuary
Monday through Friday morning minyan: 6:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary

Do you have services geared specifically to families with Religious School aged children? Yes. Every Shabbat morning during a week when Religious School is in session, we have family services beginning at 9:30 AM. 

We have a toddler. Can we bring him to services? Absolutely! We are a kid-friendly congregation and love having kids in the service. 

Do you count women in the minyan? We are a fully egalitarian synagogue, which means that women are counted in the minyan, are called to the Torah, read from the Torah, lead services, and if they so choose, don tallit and tefillin.

I don't read Hebrew. Will I be able to follow a Conservative service? Of course you will! Although there is much Hebrew, we announce pages often, the translation of the service is always in front of you, you'll enjoy Rabbi Rank's and Rabbi Levenson's informal styles of speaking, and the easy-going spirit that characterizes a Midway service. We also feature the Singing Siddur, a transliterated prayer book that will allow you to join in the Hebrew singing as the prayers are written out in English letters.

Do I have to dress up for services? All we ask of you is to dress modestly and respectfully. Ours is not a dress-up community.

Do you have morning and evening minyanim? Every day - see the service schedule for exact times.


When are the names of the deceased read? We read the names of those for whom yahrzeit is observed at Shabbat evening and Shabbat morning services. The names read are for those whose yahrzeits are observed from Shabbat through the following Friday.  For example, if you will observe a yahrzeit on a Wednesday, the name will be read on the Friday before.

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785